
Giro d'Italia 2023 - Prediction stage 4

Monday 8 May 2023 • Previews

Tom Nederend

Tuesday May 9th: Venosa - Lago Laceno (175 km)

Who will win stage 4 in the 2023 Giro d'Italia according to the computer? A hilly stage of 175 kilometer from Venosa to Lago Laceno. Stage 4 is the first stage with serious climbing, featuring the Passo delle Crocelle (13.5 km at 4.4%), Muro Lucano (5.1 km at 5.5%), Valico di Monte Carruozzo (8.8 km at 4.9%) and finally Molella (9.6 km at 6.2%). Not very steep, but many vertical meters throughout the day. The final climb holds a stretch of 2.7km at 9.7%. After the summit of the final climb 3 kilometers are left to the line. The pink jersey might be available to the best classified in the break-away, because Quick-Step is willing to lose the jersey.

📺 Eurosport 1 (12.15 u), VTM (13.35 u)
⏰ 12.30 u
🏁 17.15 u
⛅️ Cloudy, 21 degrees

Giro d'Italia 2023 - profiel etappe 4
Giro d'Italia 2023 - profile stage 4
Giro d'Italia 2023 - profiel slotklim etappe 4
Giro d'Italia 2023 - profile final climb stage 4
Giro d'Italia 2023 - parcours laatste km etappe 4
Giro d'Italia 2023 - route last km stage 4

Giro d'Italia 2023 - Prediction stage 4 (break-away for the win)

Computer prediction💻, Expected Win (xW):

Win %

🦄 Andreas Leknessund

*The unicorn is our joker, nice old-fashioned based on feeling

Giro d'Italia 2023 - prediction stage 4 (break-away for the win)

Giro d'Italia 2023 - Prediction stage 4 (GC fighting for win)

Computer prediction 💻, Expected Win (xW):

Win %

Giro d'Italia 2023 - prediction stage 4 (GC-riders for the win)

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